Sunday, 25 July 2010

Medivac Sunday 1st July 2010

Medivac 14.45 – 19 year old male surfer dislocated shoulder whilst surfing. Brought to lifeguard station in 4x4 by Chris while Rhys administered oxygen to casualty. Transferred to waiting ambulance at top of slipway.

Duty Lifeguard: Chris Page, Nathan Evans, Rhys Brothers
Conditions: 1-2 foot surf, overcast

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Rescue Sunday 18th July 2010

Rescue 15.00 – 25 year old male surfer struggling against current on outgoing tide. Surf Rescue IRB launched to rescue the surfer.
Duty Lifeguards: Gareth Davies Snr, Gareth Davies Jnr, Chris Page
IRB Crew: Chris Page (driver), Gareth Davies jnr (crew)
Conditions: 3 foot surf, overcast