Sunday, 28 August 2011

Assist x2 Sunday 28th August 2011

Assist 13.45 – 10 year old boy struggling out of his depth in flagged area. Nathan Evans responded immediately paddling out on rescue board. The boy managed to get back into his depth with assistance from his dad.

Assist 17.00 – A number of surfers were caught in current and drifting towards the point. Chris Page and Kieran Bluck launched the IRB to encourage them to catch a wave to shore and offer further assistance. All surfers made it back to shore unaided.

Duty Lifeguards: Chris Page, Gareth Davies jnr, Nathan Evans
Conditions: 2-3 foot surf, overcas
IRB Crew: Chris Page (driver), Kieran Bluck (crew)

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Assist & Rescue Saturday 27th August 2011

Strong current on incoming tide meant a number of people required assistance during the incoming tide.

Assist 15.00 – 55 year old man swimming drifting dangerously close to the point. CP paddled out on rescue board to assist him and encourage the man to swim to shore.

Assist 16.00 – Surfer drifting in current close to point. Assisted to shore by CP who paddled out on a rescue board.

Assist 16.30 – 17 year old girl on surf board caught in current. Assisted to shore by CP on rescue board.

Rescue 16.45 – Surfer struggling in strong current near point. Picked up by CP on RWC and brought back to the safety of the beach.

Duty Lifeguards: Chris Page, Rhys Brothers, Nathan Evans
Conditions: 2-3 foot surf, sunny spells

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Medivac Tuesday 23rd August 2011

Medivac 11.45 – A 40 year old lady sustained a dislocated shoulder whilst surfing. Oxygen administered and arm supported in most comfortable position. Transported to hospital by ambulance.

Duty Lifeguards: Nathan Evans, Gavin Davies, Dan Waterman
Conditions: 1-2 foot surf, overcast

Friday, 19 August 2011

Medivac Friday 19th August 2011

Medivac 13.30 – Lifeguards were alerted to an elderly gentleman who had collapsed unconscious on the coastal path in front of gold club buildings. Patient had a history of previous heart conditions. Nathan Evans and Gareth Davies jnr attended with defib and oxygen. On their arrival the casualty was now conscious so they administered oxygen and monitored the casualty whilst awaiting the arrival of an ambulance.

Duty Lifeguards: Gareth Davies jnr, Gavin Davies, Nathan Evans
Conditions: Sunny Spells

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Assist x4 Sunday 14th August 2011

Assist 16.00 – A surfer caught in the current near to the point was assisted by the RWC and dropped across the bay on the golf club side of the lifeguard station where conditions were safer.

Assist 16.20 – A kite surfer lost his kite board and was drifting dangerously close to the point. The RWC (assisted by Mike Kay on a rescue board) recovered the lost board and transferred it to the kite surfer who was then able to get himself out of danger and back to the beach.

Assist 17.00 – 2 more surfers were struggling in the strong current. The RWC stood by and gave safety advice encouraging them to catch a wave to shore. Both made it safely back to the beach.

Duty Lifeguards: Chris Page, Rhys Brothers, Nathan Evans
Conditions: 4-5 foot messy surf, overcast, strong wind