Thursday, 30 August 2012

Assist x2 Thursday 30th August 2012

ASSIST x2 16.30 – In very large challenging surf conditions lifeguards at base alerted lifeguards on the beach of 2 surfers drifting rapidly in the very strong current on the incoming tide. The surfers appeared unaware of the danger they were in and were rapidly drifting towards the point. Due to the conditions exit from the water would have been impossible once they had drifted past the headline in Rest Bay.

The beach was red flagged due to the conditions with waves with 6-8ft faces and very strong cross shore winds. All water users other than the 2 surfers had left the water.

The RWC which was in the process of being recovered was relaunched to proceed out to the surfers and give safety advice and advise them to return to shore. When the RWC arrived on scene the surfers were very close to drifting past the point. Lifeguards Nathan Evans and Gavin Davies continued to monitor the situation from the beach but due to the size of the surf and reflection of the sun it was very difficult to monitor the situation from the beach or the lifeguard station. Volunteer lifeguard Chris Page relocated in the 4x4 to the top of the headland to provide surveillance and provide other lifeguard units with regular updates on the situation as the RWC driver was unable to partake in radio com's due to the need to concentrate on the conditions.

As experienced IRB driver Gareth Davies was present at the station it was decided to also launch the IRB. This provided additional safety cover for the RWC driver should he get into difficulties and meant both surfers could be helped quickly if both required assistance simultaneously. Once the surfers made it back to shore the RWC and IRB were both recovered.

Both surfers had been unaware of the dangerous location they were in and fortunately made it back to shore unaided before the situation evolved further.

Duty Lifeguards: Nathan Evans, Gavin Davies, Lewis Campbell
Volunteer RWC (jetski) Driver: Andy Morgan
Volunteer IRB Crew: Gareth Davies Snr (driver), Dan Castle (crew)
Conditions: Overcast, Strong Westerly wind, 6-8 foot surf, Beach red flagged

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Rescue Sunday 26th August 2012

RESCUE 16.30 – 18 year old bodyboarder struggling to return to shore against a rip current pulling him out to sea just outside the flagged zone. Arran Bluck paddled to him on a rescue board as the bodyboarder was attempting to swim and tow his bodyboard but could barely stay afloat. Arran helped him onto his rescue board and returned him to the safety of the beach.

Duty Lifeguards: Chris Page, Gavin Davies, Arran Bluck
Conditions: Sunny, light onshore wind, 3-4 foot surf

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

General Beach Safety Information

When visiting a beach look out for safety signs and safety information. Be particularly aware of any dangers specific to the beach you are visiting. Speak to the lifeguards about any dangers at the beach especially when visiting a new beach for the first time.

Most importantly try to choose a lifeguarded beach during lifeguard patrol hours and always swim between the red and yellow flags. This is the area supervised by lifeguards.

To find your nearest lifeguarded beach visit You can also download the RNLI beach finder app.
Before visiting the beach take a look at the beach safety videos below:

(Although the video below is made in Australia it is relevant to UK beaches too).

The video below was made by Rest Bay Lifeguard Club:

Rip Current and Dangers at Rest Bay

Despite our continued safety warnings and safety information on the noticeboard at the lifeguard station we continue to find people getting into difficulties whilst visiting Rest Bay out of patrol hours.

The main issues are happening in the evenings when lifeguards have finished patrolling for the day. So far this summer lifeguards at Rest Bay have been involved in 7 rescues/assistances which have occurred in the evening during out of hour lifeguard training sessions held at the beach. The most recent assist being of a surfer struggling in the strong current at 18.45 on Monday 21st August. The week before 2 girl bodyboarders were assisted at around 18.30 on Tuesday 14th August and a boy struggling in the rip current whilst swimming was assisted at 19.30 on Monday 13th August. These incidents all took place following a recent article / safety message printed in the gazette on Thursday 9th August following evening rescues by off duty lifeguards in the evenings of Monday 8th August and Thursday 26th July.

Club Captain Chris Page is keen to make a safety plea from Rest Bay Lifeguard Club in light of the recent evening rescues which have taken place, 'we strongly urge beach goers to only visit lifeguarded beaches during patrol hours this summer for their own safety. This is particularly important for less experienced surfers, bodyboarders and swimmers and especially those unfamiliar with the dangers at their local beach. 

Lifeguards play a proactive role preventing incidents occurring and zone the beach into different areas to keep people safe. Red and Yellow flags mark the swimming and bodyboarding area which is patrolled by lifeguards whilst black and white flags mark the surfing area for people on surf boards and other hard craft. If you see the red flag flying don't go in the water. At Rest Bay there is a bylaw making bathing prohibited whenever the red flag is flying.

Recent rescues we have performed in the evenings show just how dangerous the beach can be when there are no lifeguards present. The one which occurred on Monday night was on a local boy who you'd hope would be more aware of the dangers at Rest Bay.'
The RNLI produce an excellent beach safety guide with further information on staying safe at the beach: RNLI beach safety guide. To find your nearest lifeguarded beach visit or you can also download the RNLI beach finder app.

The main danger at Rest Bay is found during the incoming and outgoing tide. There is a strong rip current near to the point at the left hand side of the bay as you look out from the lifeguard station. This tends to be stronger on spring tides and whenever there is surf at the beach. The rip occurs due to all the water being pushed into the bay naturally trying to escape. It does this at the edge of the bay running out along the rocks at the point.
We also get a strong lateral current in the direction of town on the incoming tide due to water moving up the Bristol Channel with the incoming tide.

If there are no lifeguards present we would recommend to people going in the sea that they stay on the golf club side of the lifeguard station. Once you get swept around the point by the rip current there is no where to safely get to shore - particularly if there is large surf breaking onto the rocks. The safest thing to do is stay with your board or float on your back and signal for help to people on locks common. Someone will see you in trouble and contact the coastguard who will call the lifeboat. If you see someone in difficulties dial 999 or 112 and ask for the coastguard.

The image below is specific to Rest Bay and particularly relevant if visiting the beach outside of lifeguarded hours.
When there is large surf or a strong current at Rest Bay inexperienced surfers, body boarders and swimmers may find the conditions at Sandy Bay (Coney Beach) more suited to their ability.

Rest Bay, Sandy Bay, Trecco Bay and Pink Bay are all patrolled by lifeguards during the school summer holidays between 10.30-18.00 Mon to Fri and 10.00-18.00 Sat and Sun.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Assist x3 Monday 20th August 2012

ASSIST x2 11.45 – 2 bodyboarders aged 10 and 12 were caught in the rip current near to the point on the outgoing tide. They were struggling to get back to the shore unaided. Nathan Evans paddled out on a rescue board and assisted them back to the beach.

ASSIST 18.45 - Lifeguards remained at beach from 18.00 onwards to provide a volunteer patrol. Due to the surf and big spring tide the current was particularly strong and conditions hazardous. The RWC was deployed to patrol the point area and keep all water users across on the golf club side of the lifeguard station. Despite our safety warnings given to a surfer on a number of occasions he eventually found himself in difficulties and requested assistance from the RWC. The RWC picked him up and transferred him across the bay on the rescue sled.
Duty Lifeguards: Nathan Evans, Gavin Davies, Lewis Campbell
RWC (jetski) Driver: Nathan Evans
Conditions at 11.45: Sunny Spells, light onshore wind, 2-3 foot surf
Conditions at 18.45: Sunny, light onshore wind, 4-5 foot surf

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Assist x2 Tuesday 14th August 2012

ASSIST x2 18.45 – Club members involved in a IRB examination were alerted to 2 girl bodyboarders struggling in the rip current near to the point. The girls were making slow progress against the current and welcomed the offer of assistance from the IRB crews. Both the Rest Bay IRB and a Surf Lifesaving IRB were operating at the time and each IRB assisted a girl back to shore.

IRB Crew 1: Nathan Evans (Driver), Arran Bluck (Crew)
IRB Crew 2: Dan Castle (Driver), Kieran Bluck (Crew)
Conditions: Sunny, 4 foot clean surf

Monday, 13 August 2012

Assist Monday 13th August 2012

ASSIST 19.30 – Off duty lifeguards still present at the beach having just completed a lifeguard training session in the IRB and RWC spotted a boy being assisted by a bodyboarder struggling in the rip current near to the point. The IRB was relaunched and the boy picked up by the IRB crew and returned to the beach.

IRB Crew: Nathan Evans (Driver), Chris Page (crew)
Conditions: Hot and sunny, 3-4 foot surf

Friday, 10 August 2012

Medivac x2 Friday 10th August 2012

MEDIVAC (By Land Ambulance) 11.45 – A 65 year old lady tripped and fell in the paved area adjacent to lifeguard station. She fell awkwardly breaking bones in her arm whilst attempting to brace her fall. She was in considerable pain so an ambulance was called to transfer her to hospital.

MEDIVAC (By Land Ambulance) 14.45 – A lady fell in a hole that had been dug near to the slipway on the beach injuring her ankle in the process. She was in a lot of pain and it was suspected she may have broken her ankle. An ambulance was called top transfer her to hospital due to the pain she was in.

Duty Lifeguards: Chris Bluck, Rhys Brothers, Lewis Campbell (am), Chris Page (pm)
Conditions: Hot and sunny