Saturday, 21 June 2014

x2 Rescues x2 Assistance Saturday 21/06/14

RESCUE x2: The Rescue Water Craft was launched to perform a rescue of two surfers struggling near the point at approximately 16.30. Both surfers were picked up and brought back to the safety of the beach having got caught in the current near to the point.

The RWC remained on the water to patrol the area close to the point. A further x2 surfers were struggling with the current and both picked up and assisted by the RWC to a safer area of the bay down towards the golf club.

BCBC duty lifeguards: Chris Page, Gavin Davies, Lewis Campbell
RWC Driver: Chris Page
Conditions: 3-4 foot, sunny, incoming tide (at time of rescues / assists)
HW: 20.03 (spring)

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Assistance x4 Surfers Saturday 14/06/14

Assistance x4 - The Rescue Water Craft was launched to patrol the point area around 16.00 by club volunteer Chris Page. Surf conditions were 3-4 foot with a strong current in the direction of town due to spring tides.

Numerous surfers and other water users were given safety advice. 4 surfers were assisted by the RWC being picked up and transferred to a safer area of the bay as they were at risk of being swept around the point.

Volunteer RWC Driver: Chris Page
Conditions: 3-4 foot clean surf, incoming tide
High Water: 20.16